Status: Tags: #cards/cmpt295/assembly Links: x86-64 Assembly
Memory adressing modes
Help specify instruction operands
Use cases for q
- Push/pop
- Adding displacement to address
Use cases for l
- Moving values to registers
Use cases for b
- Adding integers
Dereferencing is for ?
- Getting the adress
- Constant int used as operand in instruction
- Operand syntax: Imm
- ex) movq $0x4 %rax, movb $-17. %al
- used as operand in instruction
- Operand value: R[$r_a$]
- Operand syntax: %$r_a$
- ex) movq, %rax, %rdx
Memory adressing mode (expression) used as operand in an instruction
- Absolute
- Indirect
- “Base + displacement”
- 2 indexed
- 4 scaled indexed
Absolute memory adressing mode
- Use memory adress as operand directly in instruction
- Operand called
- Operand called
- Operand syntax:
- Effect:
- ex) call plus where plus is a function
Indirect memory adressing mode
- When a register contains an adress
- Similar to pointer in C
- To access, use parentheses
- ex) ($r_b$)
- b is base,
- ex) ($r_b$)
- Effect: M[R[$r_b$]]
- R is register
“Base + displacement” memory adressing mode
- General syntax: Imm($r_b$)
- Call adress, then add value
- Base is adress, displacement is value
- Call adress, then add value
- Effect: M[Imm + R[$r_b$]]
- ex)movq %rax, -8(%rsp)
- leaq 7(%rdi), %rax
- Why 8? alignment, make space onto stack
Indexed memory adressing mode
- Adding offset to a base adresss
- Help visit every value
- ideal to store and access values stored in arrays
- General syntax 1: ($r_b$, $r_1$)
- Effect: M[R[$r_b$] + R[$r_i$]]
- Example: movb (%rdi, %rcx), %al
- r_i is an iteration index
- General syntax 2: Imm($r_b$, $r_i$)
- Effect: M[Imm + R[$r_b$] + R[$r_i$]]
- Example: movw 0xA(%rdi, %rcx), %r11w
Scaled indexed memory adressing mode
- s can only be 1,2,4,8
- General Syntax: (, $r_i$, s)
- Effect: M[R[$r_i$] * s]
- ex) (, %rdi, 2)
- General Syntax: Imm(,$r_i$, s)
- Effect: M[Imm + R[$r_i$] * s]
- ex) 3(, %rcx, 8)
- General Syntax: ($r_b$, $r_i$, s)
- Effect: M[R[$r_b$] + R[$r_i$] * s]
- ex) (%rdi, %rsi, 4)
- General Syntax: Imm($r_b$, $r_i$, s)
- Effect: M[Imm + R[$r_b$] + R[$r_i$] * s]
- ex) 8(%rdi, %rsi, 4)
- Leaq’s effect is to not reference any memory !!!
Created:: 2022-02-04 12:50