Status: Tags: #cards/cmpt295/mp Links: Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
- Microprocessor Sequential Execution
- Microprocessor Staged Execution
- Microprocessor Pipeline Execution
- Microprocessor Superscalar Execution
- Combinational logic
- ALU performs calculations
- Memory elements
- Registers store data/bits for calculations
- Clock signals through Clock register
- If doesn’t have data, then accesses RAM for new info and Cache (SRAM)
- Bus allow data movement
- Instruction memory register holds the machine code instruction
- Register File using register clocks
- Each instruction fetch adds onto PC
Physical Hardware
- Made of resistors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors
- Logic gates combine the above to perform a boolean function
- Will be black boxes, know input/output but not implementation
- Always active
Propogation delay ?
- $t_{pd}$
- Longest time elapsed for application of input and occurence of corresponding output
- Combinational Logic Circuits to manipulate bits
- ex) ADD
- Memory elements to store bits (sequential logic)
- Clock signals to regulate update of memory elements
Minimum Clock cycle ?
- Calculation part + register
Calculating Latency ?
- Time required to execute single instruction
Calculating Throughput ?
- Number of instructions executed per second
- Number of instructions executed per second in Gigainstructions
- sum of ps, all over
- Number of clock cycles per instruction
Created:: 2022-03-14 03:43