Status: Links: PKM MOC
Note Storage Systems
Note storage systems like Slip-Boxes help efficiently store information and aid us in the Writing process.
Note Storage Systems Should Be:
- Being able to see the big picture while working on small sections keeps your writing relevant and focusable at the same time
- A good structure enables flow and acts as a second brain
- Refer to the IMF MOC
- Efficient note-taking should allow you to create ideas before you even start writing through the connection and structure of your notes.
- To achieve peak productivity, tasks need to consume little to no willpower
- Allows us to focus more on thinking
- Storing ideas allows us to free mental space and energy
- Although remembering everything is convenient, it prevents us from focusing on the more important information and understanding the main concepts of something
- Consider structuring a workflow that promotes the creation of abstract ideas
- Recording everything allows us to make use of things we may not have needed in the past, providing engagement for older thoughts
- We need a reliable and simple external structure to think to compensate for the limitaitons of our brains
- Rarely do we only focus on one thing at a time, so having a second brain to remind us on our ideas is game-changing
- A second brain allows us to easily hone in on what we need to be doing
References: How To Take Smart Notes